
Canteen Volunteers - we appreciate all your help...!

If you have a current police clearance then it's 3 easy steps to an enjoyable day at the SJP Canteen. Simply:

  • Fill in Canteen Volunteer reply form
  • Complete Canteen Volunteer Induction forms 
  • Contact the Front Office to volunteer.

Our school newsletter regularly features the names of our fantastic volunteers who are rostered on for the following fortnight. The canteen is open with the help of volunteers and managed by Josie Nicolescu.

We're open every day for Recess and Lunch. Download the QKR App to pay for any food or drink items and "Special Meal Deal" Days.  Contactless delivery without having to use lunch bags or find change.

We provide a service to families by allowing them to access healthy food options for their children at reasonable prices. There are special Meal Deal Days as well as the regular price list orders that are prepared each day. Food is ordered via QKR app. Twice a term there is a sausage sizzle.