We welcome all enquiries from families who are looking for a Preschool & School


You can arrange a personal school tour with the Principal or Deputy Principal by phone, email or by filling in the contact details in the pop up box. It will take approximately one hour  for the Preschool and entire School. We can arrange a tour, at your earliest convenience, either during the school day when you can see the school in action or after work.

Ring:   08 8206 5106

Email: lburke@stjopayn.catholic.edu.au     

Web:   www.stjopayn.catholic.edu.au

Information Package

You will receive an SJP Information Package when you come for a personal tour. It includes a Prospectus, SJP Enrolment Application Form, Early Learning Program Card, OSHC Card as well as an outline of the school fees.
It can be posted, collected, downloaded or emailed to you by:

Telephone: 08 8206 5106

Email: lburke@stjopayn.catholic.edu.au

Collecting: Front Office at 78 Portrush Road, Payneham

Website: download Forms, Prospectus, flyers.

If you would like to enrol your child, an Enrolment Application Form must be lodged together with a $50 enrolment fee. We will send an "Offer of Enrolment" letter and "Acceptance Contract" to confirm a place for your child.  On accepting the offer, the $150 deposit will be credited towards your first term’s fees.

Is my child eligible for enrolment?

These criteria provide a guide to enrolment as priority is given to:

  • Siblings of existing St Joseph’s Payneham students
  • Catholic children living in the Payneham Parish Community
  • Catholic children who don’t live within the parish boundaries
  • Children of St Joseph’s Payneham old scholars
  • Children from other Christian denominations, other religious faiths or world views
  • Families who identify with the philosophy of St Joseph’s Payneham.