As you are aware, I was appointed the new Parish Priest of Payneham in late January this year. The last nine months have given me an opportunity to get a sense of the life of the parish which also includes St Joseph’s School. It has also given me an opportunity to revisit the way we prepare our parish children for their Sacraments of Initiation.
Preparation for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion is a cooperation between the parish, parents and families. This is a work we undertake for the spiritual development and welfare of our children. We seek the best for them especially as they grow in their relationship with God.
The Our Lady Queen of Peace Church is located on the same site as our school. Students attend Masses and Liturgies in the Church once every term as a class group. We also hold whole school Masses on special feast days of the Church.
Rev. Fr Michael Romeo PP
Parish Office: 08 8369 8082
Sunday Masses
Saturday – 6pm Vigil
Sunday – 8am, 9.15am (Italian), 11am
Weekday Masses
Monday – No Mass
Tuesday - 7.30pm
Wednesday – 7.30am
Thursday – 7pm
Friday – 9.15am
Thursdays: 7.30pm-8.30pm
Fridays: 9.45am-10.15am
Saturday: 5pm-5.50pm
Eucharistic Adoration
Thursdays: 7.30pm-8.30pm
Devotions to St Anthony of Padua - every Tuesday following Mass
The role of the parents is expressed by their active participation in the celebration of the Sacraments.
During this time of preparation and celebration, it is also important that families have the support of their parish community who will pray for the children and celebrate their becoming more fully members of the Church, the "Body of Christ".
In preparing for the program, families are required to:
The requirement and the role of a Sponsor
Ordinarily there should be a sponsor for each of those to be confirmed. The sponsor brings the candidate to receive the Sacrament, presents them to the minister for the anointing, and will later help them to fulfil their baptismal promises faithfully under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
It is desirable that the godparent at Baptism, if present, also be the sponsor at Confirmation. But the choice of a special sponsor for Confirmation is not excluded. The Church says a sponsor should be spiritually qualified and mature, should belong to the Catholic Church and should have been initiated in the three Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist.
When choosing a sponsor for your child, there are some requirements/considerations to keep in mind:
Parents cannot be sponsors! They have the unique and primary role of raising their children in the faith of the Church and discerning their readiness to prepare to celebrate the sacraments of initiation.
We are excited to continue our journey with parents as you prepare your child for 1st Communion. There are 6 lessons to complete with your child. Each lesson includes a video from Dynamic Catholic Blessed: First Communion and a worksheet. Please complete the lessons before your child’s 1st Holy Communion.
If your child would like to watch more videos from the Blessed: First Communion Program, there are a total of 42 great videos available from Dynamic Catholic’s Website.