Dear Families,
Reflections and acknowledgements
As 2024 draws to a close, I reflect on the challenges and successes that have taken shape throughout this last year. I believe it is always a meaningful exercise as a family to do the same; that is, have a conversation with your child/ren, asking about their achievements; most enjoyable learning moments; why we should be grateful; and to think about areas for improvement moving forward.
I express my gratitude and thanks for your support this year, and for the care and encouragement you have shown to each other. I acknowledge the many parents/carers, grandparents, and other members in the community who have generously given their time to make St Joseph’s Catholic School Payneham a better place.
Our amiable Year 6s have a few days remaining as students at St Joseph’s. They have been a great group and fine examples for the younger children. I thank the Year 6s for their vibrancy and positive influence on our school. Congratulations to the Class of 2024!
For other students and families not returning to Payneham, thank you for your involvement in our community. Best wishes for 2025.
End of Year School Mass and Volunteer of the Year Award, Friday 6 December at 9:15am
At the End of Year School Mass, tomorrow, Friday 6 December (at 9:15am in our church), the ‘2024 School Volunteer of the Year Award’ will be announced at the end of the Mass. A cup of coffee/tea will be offered directly after Mass in the Staffroom. I especially encourage our volunteers to come along.
End of Year Student Reports
As cited in previous communication, the End of Year Student Reports, will be available via SEQTA Engage. This means you will be able to access your child’s Report online. Student Reports will be issued online tomorrow, Friday 6 December. Families who wish to have a hard copy, can request this option from the Front Office.
2025 Classes and Orientation
On Monday afternoon, you will receive notification indicating your child’s class teacher/s for next year. Your response is important, as it can determine your child’s attitude and mindset moving forward.
Students will spend a little time with their 2025 teacher/s and peers on Monday 9 December. The intention is to reduce some of the anxiety that can exist for certain students. Knowing who is in their class, who is teaching them and being excited about the year ahead, generally helps our students to be ready for the challenges and opportunities of the new year.
Please note, that once class placements are determined, there will be no changes. It is a practice which the staff have been working on since the beginning of term, and many deliberations are considered to determine where every child is placed. Thank you for respecting the professional decision-making which goes into this process.
Free Pizza – donated by Inspire Care SA
On Tuesday 10 December, all students will receive free pizza, courtesy of Inspire Care SA (an NDIS Support Service). I appreciate the goodwill of Inspire Care SA to provide pizza for every student in the school. I also thank De Corso’s Pizzeria (28 Reid Avenue, Tranmere), who are making and delivering the pizzas.
End of Year Concert thanks
Our End of Year Concert, celebrated last Wednesday 27 November, was a fantastic community event with a positive vibe. I am grateful for your attendance. The children were joyous in performing and looked spectacular on the stage.
I recognise the End of Year Concert Committee, Mrs Emily Parrella, Mr Donny Calabria, Ms Laura Parletta, Mrs Julia Johnson, Mr Dean Rattley, Ms Rebecca D’Amico and Ms Caitlin Librandi for the effort and time invested for this community event.
My appreciation also goes to the Parents and Friends Committee, who also were responsible for organising many aspects of the evening. Finally, many thanks to Anthony Ferragamo for supplying the stage.
Carlo Acutis Building
I remind you about the official opening of the Carlo Acutis Building, to take place on Thursday 20 February 2025 at 10:00am.
Additionally, a letter was recently distributed to families about a wooden sculpted relief depicting Blessed Carlo (which will be installed and displayed in the building), asking for consideration of a contribution towards this art piece. Any donation will be thankfully received.
School Uniform
If requiring any uniform items, please contact our school’s uniform shop Noone Apparel (previously Belgravia). Please refer to the communication that was recently circulated. The following link takes you to the store’s website:
A reminder that by the start of the 2026 school year, all students need to be wearing the new school uniform, which was introduced this year.
2025 School Commencement date and ‘Meet the Teacher and Family Day’
The first day of school for students will be Tuesday 28 January 2025, beginning at 8:40am. ‘Meet the teacher and family day’, where you and your child meet the class teacher/s for a short period, will occur on Wednesday 22 January. Next week, information will be sent home providing details, including booking arrangements.
- The Gatt family (Sienna, Preschool ‘Koala’ group), on the recent passing of her grandfather, Alfred.
- Current Music and Performing Arts Teacher, Mr Dean Rattley, on being appointed to the position for 2025.
- The Clarke family (Audrey, mid-year Rec.), on the recent birth of a baby, Isaac.
- The Musolino family (Luisa, 6CK), on the recent birth of a baby boy, Roman.
Conclusion of the school year
Term Four, and the end of the 2024 school year, concludes on Wednesday 11 December at 3:00pm (the final day for our Year 6 students is Tuesday 10 December). Once again, thank you for your support this year. I trust everyone will have a safe and positive festive season and upcoming school holiday break.
Wishing you well!
Simon Mechis